

It finally fits!

A former colleague recently sent me this photo of her daughter wearing a sweater I made for her last winter. Isn't she sweet?

I'm working on another baby sweater now - I started yesterday and have to be done by Wednesday - not sure if I will make it. I don't think I have finished a single knitting project this past year. I did start socks, a scarf, baby booties, another sweater... But this time I have a deadline so I am motivated!

The new job has been taking lots of mindshare and energy, so there hasn't been much spinning or weaving either - at least no finished projects. I have taken a few satisfying weaving classes -color and transparency with Lois Bryant, painted warps with Sarah Saulson, and doubleweave at Forma. I also finally took a class at Spinning Loft, drumcarding lovely batts with the always fascinating Abby Franquemont. Very inspiring, but my drumcarder still sits there collecting dust....

Guess I haven't blogged in awhile, either. I'm still here, just a bit distracted.



another baby sweater...

I made this last fall for a co-worker's baby - it finally fits!

There is much I should have blogged about these last two weeks of blissful unemployment. Why does it seem like so much work to download photos? I want to tell you all about my rug weaving workshop with Jason Collingwood, some amazing quilts (here is someone else's photostream), my tramatic dental experience, the newly restored Jacquard loom at Greenfield Village, my field trip with Jillian and Amy to Beth's store, teaching preschoolers to weave....
Tomorrow it is back to the real world, with a new job at a new company. Wish me luck!



I spun a wee bit of Lorna's Laces superwash merino for a Knittyspin review. It sortof kicked my ass but it turned out purty. Behold:

(And I do love that niddy noddy - I got it from Morgaine at SOAR but I can't remember the name that the thing is called.)

With the yarn, I made some baby socks for Ingrid's new Adelaide.
Normally I have a "no knitted gifts for knitting friends" policy. Since Ingrid is the most amazing knitter I know I am not sure what I am thinking giving her these, um, - shall we say rustic? - socks. But look at her!

In other baby knitting news, here is the latest office baby sweater:

The pattern is from the Nashua Handknits booklet Bloom. I used 1824 wool, and didn't knit to gauge, so following the infant size I got about a 6 month size. The baby is due in June, so that should work out OK.

No one else at work is pregnant (at least that I know), so I am off the hook for awhile. And anyway, Friday is my last day as a public servant so I guess it doesn't really matter!


Not trafficking in baby animals, really

So, looking for a small workshop loom, I placed an ad on Craigslist for a "used Baby Wolf." My ad was pulled within minutes because they have a no-animal trafficking policy. Geez. Now the ASPCA is on my ass.

THIS is my new Baby Wolf, the loom of my heart:



Some days are like that


Restraining Order

I will have to file a restraining order against my blogstalker. She is relentlessly hounding me to post photos from SOAR. I didn't take any good photos. But I do feel the love.

It has been nine months since my last post, though, so I could do some backwards blogging to tell you about weaving, the Czech republic, the departure of a dear friend, another baby sweater, the indignity of being a public servant, the joys of drum carding, the hazards of wool combing, and the thrill of buffalo fiber.

Downloading photos just seems like too much work right now.

Maybe if Carla begs me just a little bit more....


American Beauty

After a year of bitching and moaning, I have finally completed the American Beauty capelet. Here it is, modeled by my niece Caitlin:

Back view:

This is the first and only commissioned work I have ever, and will ever, knit. It took me over a year to complete, in large part because every time I picked it up to knit, I was overcome by an overwhelming urge to hurl. I am not sure if it was because of the putrid color or because it wasn't socks. At any rate, from now on I only knit what I want, for the people I want to knit for.

BTW, the fringe is going away.
It finally fits!
another baby sweater...
Not trafficking in baby animals, really
Some days are like that
Restraining Order
American Beauty
weaving class
yarn fairies
Coveting the scarves of friends
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
October 2007
November 2007
March 2008
April 2008
January 2009
My Local Yarn Store
Crack for Knitters