
All I want to do is spin

There's something I should be doing. I can't show you a picture of it, but it needs to be finished by Saturday. I'm not sure who's reading, so I must be oblique - it involves a very tiny and relatively new person who probably won't get very excited about it. It also involves sewing up. I think you get the picture.

I went to spinning class last night, and now all I want to do is spin. Could this possibly be more addictive than sock knitting?

What I want to do

I've got it so bad, I've already got a lead on a secondhand Ashford Traveler, and I am planning to look at it Friday. Erg - my husband reads my blog. Sorry honey.

OK, I lied. I also want to finish my second sock. I started it at the employee appreciation party yesterday.

I would be willing to do this, too.

I just can't find the motivation for that other project. You know the one I mean.
Do these stripes make my ankles look fat?
Road trip
Espresso Explosion
An embarrassment of riches
Rhapsody in blue
Bitter grounds
When will I knit again?
Knitting around town
The more things change, the more they stay the same
My Local Yarn Store
Crack for Knitters