
Finally Felted!

Here's what I have been up to, and a bonus cat.

Noro Kureyon felted bag of mitered squares
Dave, the hand model

I have been procrastinating felting this bag because I couldn't figure out what to do about the handles. After trips to 3 thrift stores, Michaels, JoAnn's, many online stores, and ebay, I finally settled on the black wooden handles above (less than $5 at JoAnn's). To attach them I picked up 30 stitches on each side and knit 20 rows of garter stitch. I then folded the tabs over the handles and stitched them down with sewing thread. They ended up a bit wider than I would like, but all in all I am pretty pleased. I am hoping the rich folk at the auction get real drunk and bid lots for it.

This is actually Dave's second gig as a hand model. The last time he got paid!

Black felted bucket bag with sparkly, fuzzy trim
Goofy bag for Mary

My SIL Mary wanted a felted bag similar to one I made for my niece last summer out of yarn I dyed with Wilton icing dye. But she wanted black. I threw in the bling-bling just so I wouldn't get bored. Plus I had leftovers after making Joe's wine cozy. Hope she likes it. Sorry for the crappy photo - there must be a better way to get a good photo of black.

Meow! Can I play with your yarn?
Pete Zastrow likes yarn

It seems that you can't have a knitting blog unless you post pictures of your cat. I had to borrow a cat to meet this requirement. Pictured is my friend Drea's cat, at book club. I hadn't read the book, but Pete forgave me. He enjoyed sitting on my lap while I knit this hat:
running out of yarn on the baby hat
Why do I keep doing this?

If you have been reading my blog, you know I am trying to use up my stash. One thing you might not know is that I have a pathetic habit of starting projects, usually hats, knowing that I don't have enough yarn. I haven't even started the decreases yet and all I have is that little wad. The blue yarn in the back is a slightly different gauge but otherwise very similar. I am thinking there might be a not-too-ugly way to transition slowly to the blue (stripes? Fair Isle?). Help!

Anne came over last night to hold my hand while I re-started Clapotis, this time with Silk Garden. It is damn hard to knit while holding hands, but I did it. When I get to my first dropped row I will post a lovely photo and await your breathless, envious, flattering comments.

Have I mentioned yet that I like comments? I read each one and often reply. If you read me, share the love - leave a comment.
Clapotis musings
Contest update
The best reason to knit
Mr. Breakfast Face!
Contest - Name that Yarn!
Down with S.E.X.!
A little bundle of yarny goodness
Homage to the square
It's a Llama-Along!
Look what Dave made me!
My Local Yarn Store
Crack for Knitters