
Brushes with fame

Last night I got to hang out with Debbie Stoller, of Bust and Stitch 'n Bitch fame. She was in Ann Arbor to promote her new book, Stitch 'n Bitch Nation, and afterward, a small group of AA SnB'ers headed over to Sweetwaters for a brief SnB session.

Debbie was warm, funny, irreverent - everything you would expect. Over coffee & tea, we chatted about darning, crochet (Debbie's working on a new crochet book), knitting as it relates to feminism, and the history of knitting. She mentioned a couple of good books on the history of knitting that I want to hunt down - No Idle Hands by Anne McDonald and A History of Hand Knitting by Richard Rutt.

Her presentation at the library was great - the room was packed, and many people brought with them projects they had knitted from the books. Debbie passed around several items so that we could touch them, smell them, and rub them on our bodies (her words). I already have the first book, but I have to get Nation, if only to knit a Joey Ramone doll:

Dave needs his own personal Ramone.
I have achieved llama feet
The letter of the law
The saddest Clapotis on the internet
Boys in their sweaters
I'm not in Kansas anymore
Tuesday is Llama day
Llama Lovers
Finally Felted!
Clapotis musings
Contest update
My Local Yarn Store
Crack for Knitters